Sunday 3 January 2016

Raffi and Adult colouring Books.

I don't know what to write.  I don't know how honest to be?

I think I'm depressed.  I'm finding it very difficult to sleep, concentrate, think, or function.

I'm also finding it very difficult to write a post.  I've started several different posts, and just can't come up with something to say.  Maybe I shouldn't wait until bedtime to write posts?  Maybe if I had slept well in the last little while but that's not working very well either.

Last night because I was feeling sad and melancholy, I listened to Raffi, the Canadian's Children's singer.  I grew up listening to Raffi, and when I was nanny for my nephew I listened to Raffi with him.  I know the songs off by heart, and they have a way of making me smile.

So last night, I thought of listing to Raffi, even though I didn't have a child with me.  I tweeted about wounding if it was a little weird for an adult to listen to Raffi without a child alongside, and Raffi himself tweeted back saying "go ahead".  I did and it did make me smile.

Song's like "Mr. Sun", and "5 green and speckled frogs", still make me smile.

And I think I'll do that again tomorrow, while doing another children's activity: colouring.  Adult colouring books, are the "in" thing, and it relaxes.  I think tomorrow I'll try doing it while listening to children's music: Raffi.

Is that too weird?  But then again, even if it is, what difference does it make, if it makes me happier?



After I wrote this, but before it was scheduled to post, I got a video of Raffi on youtube, and listened to it, while colouring an adult colouring book.  I sang with the songs, listened to the children laugh, and at times laughed along with them.  It cheered me up, and made me happier.  Now I'm going to go to bed, and I won't be so melancholy when I do.

Thanks Raffi.

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