Saturday 2 January 2016

Gerd - the sleep thief of the night.

I truly hope I get more sleep tonight than I did last night.

Last night I didn't get to sleep until 3:00 am, and then I woke up at 5:00 am, and stayed up.

The problem: Gerd.  That awful feeling in the back of my throat, that burns, makes me cough and prevents sleep.  It prevents going to sleep, and it wakes me up with a mouthful of yellowie-orangie gunk that burns my mouth and hurts my teeth.  When it suddenly wakes me up, I can't wait to spit it out.  I fumble for the light in almost a panic, as I try to get up find a kleenex to spit it into.

And that is why, I wondered through the day, almost asleep.

I truly hope it doesn't happen again tonight, and I can sleep peacefully.

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