Monday 30 November 2015

Bring Back Bitsie

No Bitsie is not a long lost friend.  She's not a treasured pet either.  She's Bitsie Tulloch who used to play Juliette on Grimm.

For those of you who don't know, Grimm is a TV show, produced by NBC.  It's premise is "what if fairy tales are true", and in it people called wessen have the powers that are often found in fairy tales. The Blutboden are wolfs - also known as the Big Bad Wolf in fairy tales, and Hexonbeists are witches.

Grimm has two witches: one is Adalind and the other is Juliette, played by Bitsie Tulloch.

In fairy tales there are good witches and bad witches.  Yes bad witches are more prevalent, but there are good witches who reverse spells and create good spells.

And this is what I want Juliette to be.  She wasn't always a witch, but because she was trying to help somebody else, she was made into a witch.  And she was the worst kind of witch there was.  She had powers that superseded every other witches powers.

And then she died.  She was killed by a bow and arrow.

Resulting in Bitsie Tulloch not being in season 5, and Adalind having some kind of weird sleeping and family arrangement with Juliette's old boyfriend.

But in fairy tales, witches can be good, and people can be brought back from the dead, and that is just what I want to happen to Juliette.  I want the writers of Grimm to bring Juliette back from the dead, and to become a good witch who is more powerful than all the bad witches of the land.

But that...  Well it just might be a fairytale.

Sunday 29 November 2015

Open letter to Jazz Jennings Mother

Jeanette Jennings:

   I've watched all of the episodes of season 1 in "I am Jazz", and I want you to know you are doing the right thing.

   I know that sometimes you feel that maybe you aren't.  You say that often in the show, but you are.

   I know you are, because you are teaching Jazz to be an advocate and an activist.  This is something she will need to know in the future, because all of her live people will tell her she "can't" because she's different.

  I know.  I'm different.  And I've had people question my right to do things because I'm different.  (No I'm not transgender or LGBT in any way).

   You are teaching her to stand up for herself, to stand up for other people, to make a difference in this world, and to be herself without apology.  These are all things she'll have to know once she grows up, and leaves the protective embrace of you and Greg.  She won't have to learn them on her own, because you are teaching them to her right now.

  Good job.

  You are doing the right thing.

Last Post Tonight

Ok.  So tonight I:

  1. researched blog platforms
  2. choose blogger
  3. set up my blog
  4. wrote my first post
  5. fixed problems
  6. wrote my last post tonight (this one right here)

I think that's enough for tonight.

I'm happy with my accomplishments, and look forward to continuing to blog.  I hope you like it, although really, I hope I like more.

See you next post.

Saturday 28 November 2015

First Post - second round

This is my very first post on my new blog.  As of now, I can't even remember my blogs name.  Strange huh.

Oh ya, it's Ink Spot 7.  It's been a long night, and Ink Spot 7 wasn't my first choice.  It wasn't even my 21st choice.  Oh well.  That's what it is, and that's what it wills stay.

I've been trying to create a blog for hours.  I watched youtube videos on the different blog platforms, watched videos that weren't anything about blogs (they kinda just popped up in the youtube suggestion list and looked interesting), started a blog on another blog platform and deleted it, and well after hours here I am.  And my blog is working.

Well I don't even know what it will look like on the first post.

Wish me luck.